I got these pictures from John Nevarez's blog. I study these daily because he captures so much in just a few lines. His line of action is very apparent in every single sketch. The body parts are all in rhythm with the action line making the poses fluid and beautiful. I also like in the second picture the example he has in the top right corner of a good silhouette. I know there are many times that I just want to draw a pictures and never think of the silhouette quality. I know I'm going to need to until it becomes habit if I ever want to be good! So, tips for the day. #1) Start your sketches off with an action line! Capture the mood or action of the character in one simple line. #2) Remember to think of your character's silhouette value. If you blacken in the character you should still know what they're doing. These will keep your pictures clean, discernable, and enjoyable!

hey thanx for stopping by my blog and for the kind words... The book will definitely be available online, through my site www.davidsdoodles.com
and several bookdealers..... There will be a teaser version this summer but limited run b/c it is just promotion for the big hardcover full color edition. I dont know if that small version will be made available online.. If anyone will have it Stuart Ng will carry it. ..
You are a HUGE inspiration to me. Wow. I've decided to try something of this nature myself. I'm many many drawings away from the magical 100k, though!
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